Saturday, April 10, 2010


Went to the first Friday Night Fireworks game of the season last night. I love minor league baseball. We've got great seats, it's not as crowded as the majors, and the baseball is still worth watching. Great for the family. It was VERY cold - we spent the evening in coats and huddled under a blanket, but seeing the looks on the kids' faces during the fireworks made it all worthwhile!

Spent the morning drinking green tea made with the new AirPot. Little thing, I know, but I love having the hot water so readily available. It comes in very handy for making soups, noodles, etc. What a time saver!

Speaking of time-saving, I'm headed out to Macy's to get the rice cooker I finally decided on. I'm not going to go with one that has a GABA setting. First, most souces I've checked say it takes at least 8 or more hours to convert to GABA, so a 2 hour cycle in the rice maker isn't going to cut it. Plus there's not even clear proof that dietary GABA crosses the blood brain barrier, so it may all be for naught, anyway. Just as important, all of the GABA cookers are induction versus neuro fuzzy, so even the manufacturers recommend cooking nothing but plain rice in them. As I'm also looking for the Ultimate Rice-Cooker cookbook, I think I'll like the greater versatility of the MICOM versions. We'll see. My DH would tell you it's all a bunch of flim-flam, anyway, lol.

Going back to work next week and looking forward to getting back into creating bentos for me and the kids - will begin posting pics, soon.

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